As we are well into the 21st obvious that technology is changing, and for the most part, improving our lives. In some cases the U.S. K-12 education system has been a driver, if not a creator of these technological advancements. Think the CMS industry. In other cases the U.S. K-12 system has been slow to adapt. Think biomedicine. Century (anybody remember Y2K?) is has become beyond
There are many reasonable reasons (is that even close to grammatically ok?) why the U.S. K-12 system has not been faster in adopting and teaching biotechnology. However, as 2014 approaches faster than a Kardashian gets married and divorced, these reasons are becoming less reasonable. In fact the time has come for your school – yup you, your school – to implement a biomedicine class. Let me explain why this is becoming absolutely critical.
First let’s define “biomedicine”. I am sort of convinced that the term is too vague so as to be understood what really is, let alone understood enough to teach. Merriam-Webster defines biomedicine as:
Medicine based on the application of the principles of the natural sciences, especially biology and biochemistry;
also : a branch of medical science concerned especially with the capacity of human beings to survive and function in abnormally stressful environments with the protective modification of such environments
See what I mean? I read that I think “what now?” In terms of teaching this to high school students I think we need to simplify this and let our 16,17,18 year olds (and me) get their heads around it. Really what we are talking about is researching, testing and implementing new medicines developed through natural processes and functions most likely found in biology. Penicillin and the class of cancer fighting drugs called vinka alkaloid drugs derived from periwinkle are examples of biomedicine.