Friday, November 1, 2013 - 10:50

Let’s go back, back to a time when children didn’t poke fun at you because your phone still flipped or that you thought Foursquare was a childhood game. While society continues to move forward, so goes the integration of technology and education. There is a bond between education and technology, one that has moved from information crammed deep within a textbook to one found scattered on different devices and screen sizes. There is a new wave of exciting companies armed with applications and technology with the sole purpose of educating young minds with technology.

Educational Technology Companies

Time is precious resource. With that in mind I am just going to highlight on a few companies I believe are doing the best to mold technology and education together.

Khan Academy

If you have been alive long enough to understand the internet, you might have stumbled across Khan Academy. For those of you who are unfamiliar, do yourself a favor and visit the site. Here is the link: Khan Academy was started with the sole goal of delivering FREE education. From its small beginnings teaching basic Algebra and other math related topics, it has grown to offer learning sessions in hundreds of varying topics and it still remains 100% FREE.

Defragmenting education, making education available to everyone, not just to students, anywhere and at zero cost was not only unheard of 20 years ago, but NOT possible. In the technology age we are living, Khan Academy (along with other companies) can produce high quality content and deliver to individuals who might not have had access to acquiring this skill. And lastly, one of the most important factors is the ability for people to have the tools to learn. Think of that: everyone now has a teacher ready to teach them a new skill for FREE, anytime, anyway. Bring it on!

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  • STEM Fuse Team