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When asked why she chose STEM Fuse, Melinda stated that finding good curriculum is super difficult in this field. She says that in the past she has written her own curriculum, but found that she was quickly becoming burned out. “I like the fact that STEM Fuse courses are web-based, targeted to High School students and very easy to use,” she stated. She also loves the fact that STEM Fuse provides competitions as this is something that is required for her in the CTE department.
“I would highly recommend this course to my colleagues as my students absolutely love the course and the Got Game
When asked why she chose STEM Fuse, Melinda stated that finding good curriculum is super difficult in this field. She says that in the past she has written her own curriculum, but found that she was quickly becoming burned out. “I like the fact that STEM Fuse courses are web-based, targeted to High School students and very easy to use,” she stated. She also loves the fact that STEM Fuse provides competitions as this is something that is required for her in the CTE department.
“I would highly recommend this course to my colleagues as my students absolutely love the course and the Got Game competition!” she said.
I used the remote robotics curriculum to remind my students of the core lingo associated with coding: flowchart, sequencing, algorithms, pseudocode, and loops. They loved downloading the meeper app and being able to use Blockly to command the meeperbot at my house. The experience promoted collaboration and perseverance because we kept running into little challenges, like: How far is a klik? The difference in traction on an area rug compared to a hardwood floor? How do the three speed settings influence the length of a klik? We did a project on the last question in breakout sessions. Students
I used the remote robotics curriculum to remind my students of the core lingo associated with coding: flowchart, sequencing, algorithms, pseudocode, and loops. They loved downloading the meeper app and being able to use Blockly to command the meeperbot at my house. The experience promoted collaboration and perseverance because we kept running into little challenges, like: How far is a klik? The difference in traction on an area rug compared to a hardwood floor? How do the three speed settings influence the length of a klik? We did a project on the last question in breakout sessions. Students collected data in at least three trials, they created a data table, averaged their data, and generated a line graph to visualize their group's results. The meeperbot lessons are among my most fond memories of remote learning this past year.

Just wanted to say my two sections of GAME:IT are eating this stuff up and loving it! Once they have the assignment in hand it doesn't take long for them to make their own creative mods and become "Immersed" in their creation! Its been great implementing this in the classroom as well as conversing with you on details along the way!

Just wanted to say my two sections of GAME:IT are eating this stuff up and loving it! Once they have the assignment in hand it doesn't take long for them to make their own creative mods and become "Immersed" in their creation! Its been great implementing this in the classroom as well as conversing with you on details along the way!

I credit GAME:IT with turning some of my most unwilling science students into tech-savvy science dynamos. Students arrive to class every day eager to program, and the structure of the course allows them to move at their own pace. I had no programming experience before teaching the course, but the objectives have taken very little time to master. Teaching GAME:IT is a joy for me and all of my students.

I just wanted to share my excitement. I started the new semester with the GAME:IT curriculum, and I am "WOWED". My students were engrossed and engaged in the video, the worksheet, and even my lecture part! Thanks for allowing us to participate and learn using your curriculum. I know it is only one class, but I LOVE IT. This is JUST EXACTLY what I needed for this group of students.

Teaching GAME:IT Elementary as part of the STEM Fuse curriculum has brought real world technology into our school's elementary computer lab. Student's higher level thinking and organizational skills have greatly increased because of this interactive course.

Every week I count down the minutes until computer class with Mr. Yerdon to use his STEM Fuse curriculum. I was inspired the first day that we used STEM to make my own games. I have now created four original games! I also created a movie to persuade my parents to allow me to get a dog! Now I am always asked how I learned to make these games. Using STEM has inspired me to be a computer software programmer when I grow up.

I thought I would share one of our proudest results…this is a progress monitoring graph for our lowest 2nd grader (at the beginning of the year---no longer!!!). As you can see, this student was slowly improving through the year, but recently, he has skyrocketed!! This aim-line, if he stays on it, shows he will end the year AT GRADE LEVEL!!! We are so very excited about the results in our students---every student has improved!!

We are currently completing the cell phone accessory project and the students are having a great time with it. One group has created a suction cup case that can be mounted on desks in classrooms for students to slide their phones into allowing teachers to monitor the use of them and prevent them from falling off the desks. Other groups have made personalized cases, cases that have clip-on cords to prevent dropping, projectors to slide phones into, pillow-topped cases, and even a pop-up shade to allow you to see your screen better when outside in the sun! These are just a few of their creations
We are currently completing the cell phone accessory project and the students are having a great time with it. One group has created a suction cup case that can be mounted on desks in classrooms for students to slide their phones into allowing teachers to monitor the use of them and prevent them from falling off the desks. Other groups have made personalized cases, cases that have clip-on cords to prevent dropping, projectors to slide phones into, pillow-topped cases, and even a pop-up shade to allow you to see your screen better when outside in the sun! These are just a few of their creations. I look forward to using even more of the units this next school year!

I wanted to update you with my students' reading progress. I am more than happy to say we started off the year with 20 students below grade level and are now at about 7. I have students that could NOT read at the beginning of the year and are now above grade level. I am also happy to say I was able to fully implement read-it this year and enjoy it.